Thursday, October 27, 2011

the cure...

I seem to remember that The Cure had a song called 10.15 Saturday Night.  At 10.15* tonight we'll be flying out to search for our cure for the next 3 months.
(*) exact flight times may have been modified for effect
the cure? ...but what is the sickness?
I have to mention that the whole idea behind this trip was never because life has become stifled, boring, dry and we feel the need to clear out the cobwebs. On the contrary! If anything this trip is about the pursuit of dreams... 
So why the cure, and what is the sickness? Sounds cheesy I know, but I would have to say being sick to the bones with life! (NOT sick of living). An attempt to go out and live large, before getting our ducks in a row and being a tad more responsible.
in a happy place: sometimes the cure makes you more sick
Our plan is simple.

Step 1) get married!
This was not a prerequisite for the trip, but partially what triggered the trip (although it is something that we have been talking about doing for years). 

Step 2) South Africa
We'll be spending a whole month in SA, starting with some preparations for the wedding followed by some R&R, chilling out and surfing.
get some of this: solo session at kabooms on a perfect day

Step 3) Galapagos Islands 
At the beginning of December we'll be flying over to LA, spending a couple of days with Mark and Rebecca. No direct flights to Galapagos, so a quick stopover in Quito, Ecuador. We will be spending a bit more than 1 week on Isabella and another on San Cristobal with a couple of days inbetween on Santa Cruz. 
the POW dream: we like this, a lot ...
Step 4) BC, Canada 
Both Simone and I love BC. I have always wanted to go back there in winter. We arrive in Silver Star just in time to celebrate the new year. Then straight into the deep white catskiing at Mustang and Great Northern with a week between hanging around Revi and Kicking Horse. Our trip finishes with our last week around Vancouver and Whistler.

That's it, bring it on!


  1. Sounds amazing! Can't wait to see you guys!

  2. Hey Pete

    Great site. I tried to comment yesterday. This is a trial comment today. C U Soon!

    cheers, Dad

  3. Hi Pete, Simone
    Congrats to your site - carry on! Cu Thursday.
    Dieter + Kathy
